Monday, 8 June 2020

Stranger in the night

Over the last week or so, we have been finding small, cylindrical, black droppings which look to me to be hedgehog droppings.  The picuture below shows three examples.
Hedgehog droppings

During lockdown, I decided to leave a few square metres of lawn uncut to see what grows and hopefully bring more biodiversity to the garden.  I inspect this fairly often to see what might be pushing through and noticed there were well-used pathways in the growing grasses.

Hedgehog trail

These two pieces of evidence made me decide to put out my trail camera, a Spypoint IR-8.  The following morning amongst the recordings of grasses moving in the breeze was the clip shown below.

Yes, a full-grown hedgehog going about its business and probably sleeping in the hedge bottom during the day. Now to set up a better camera position to see if I can capture some more images.


  1. How cool is that. I haven't seen a hedgehog for a while

  2. Chris - they are becoming more rare, but the droppings are distinctive and if you have a trail cam ... ...


Let me know what you do like and what you would like to see.